Monday, January 31, 2011

{ rebonding + movie }

take breakfast with hong at opposite ioi mall

going to print out christ's birthday present-A1 size poster

need to wait until 2pm only can get it

so,hong and christ accompany me go ma zi there do rebonding

they curi-curi take my ugly look pic during rebonding >.<

both of them leave at about 1 pm

coz their movie-shaolin start at 2pm

i do treatment also while waiting hong finish his movie and fetch me back


hong came to fetch me at about 4.30pm

we went to took the poster and decide to rim it before went back home

who know,the shop was closed

usually is closed at 6pm and we reach there at 5 something

maybe is because chinese new year is coming soon,so they close earlier

so what can we do????

go back only lo,haha...XD

go 1u watch 'all's well end's well' at night

with my lovely sis and bros

the tickets were won by sis again

stupiak lao gong also got follow

but  we went there separately

mum ask me to buy new shirts for my 2 bros before went out  >.<

bought jor 2 shirts for wai hong & 1 short pant for hon lee at jusco

met with my classrep-mei there,haha...

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