feel bored to stay at home
went to pyramid for movie with my lovely sis & bros
I'm no. 4
at 1st,we want to watch 4.45pm de
but just left the 1st row
so we force to choose 6.30pm de
nth to do there
so,we went around and take pic,hehe..;P
we also step into watson
to buy some snacks
sis also bought a bottle of toner for herself
recently she became so ki hiao
after she found her mr. right
really beh tahan her,haha...XD
take photo before the movie start
never edit the photo below o..
like the movie so much...
it is about a thrilling paranormal teen romance science fiction adventure
the protagonist is soOOoo handsome la...
i think still got 2nd episode de
looking forward for it,hehe...=)
it's time for dinner after movie
4 of us and our parents went there separately
they went there 1st and wait for us
a lots of people were waiting there
my mum don't know why suddenly so ki hiao
ask us to take photo while waiting
my naughty bro~~ ^^ |
left 1 person in the above 2 pic
you know why???
coz 5 of us were wearing white color shirt
but the camera girl...
gek sei her...
long time no went out take dinner with my lovely family edi
although it's just a normal dinner as usual
no any birthday cake or present
but i'm happy and appreciate it..
♥ n.n ♥
finally,i had tried this ice-cream
a refreshingly fruity orange sherbet
yummy~~~ ^^
worth to have a try